Fridays for future sheep

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Webinar series

vai al canale



Environmental footprint of Sardinian dairy farming

Friday 23rd of October 2020

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The future from past footprints: the improving of pastures

Friday the 13rd of November 2020

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Quality of forages: present and future goals for sustainable sheep productions

Friday 27rd of November 2020

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No shepherd is an island. Socio-economic feasibility for a zero carbon sheep farming in Sardinia

Friday 11rd of December 2020

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Sheep management efficiency and carbon footprint in Sardinian sheep farms.

Friday 15rd of January 2021

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SheepToShip LIFE: from best practices to the Governance of environmental sustainability in Sardinia region

Friday 12rd of March 2021

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Tradition and innovation. Technical and socio-cultural aspects of Sardinian pastoralism

Friday 30rd of April 2021

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With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
LIFE 15 CCM/IT/000123

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