Cagliari - 28th of July, 2016
The SheepToShip LIFE - "Looking for an eco-sustainable sheep supply chain: environmental benefits and implications" project starts with the kick-off meeting July the 28th, 2016.

17 May 2019
A research fellowship is now available at the Institute of Biometeorology of the National Research Council of Italy in Sassari (SS) – Sardinia, within the project “SheepToShip LIFE – Looking for an eco-sustainable sheep supply chain: environmental benefits and implications”, funded by the European LIFE2015 Programme - Climate Change Mitigation priority area.
Deadline: 30 May 2019

25 April 2019
Within the training day organized by Agrama - Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Ganado Ovino Selecto de Raza Manchega - the farmer association dedicated to the genetic improvement of the Raza Manchega raised for the production of the Manchego PDO Cheese -, SheepToShip LIFE has held a seminar, directed at farmers and technicians of the Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Ganado Ovino Selecto de Raza Manchega, for promoting the mitigation protocols developed so far by the project.

Sassari - 14 February 2019
The Region of Sardinia’s Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation, adopted by the Regional Council with Decision No 6/50 of 5 February 2019, was presented on 14 February 2019 at the Province of Sassari. The Regional Minister for the Environment, Donatella Spano, described the different stages that place climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts at the centre of regional programming and implementation strategies.

January 2019
The SheepToShip LIFE strategy and intervention model are featured in the volume Green economy as a development opportunity for EU islands, a handbook of good practices for EU islands on the following topics: climate change, renewable energy and energy efficiency, sustainable tourism, sustainable mobility and circular economy. The Handbook is the work of the “Green Islands for sustainable cohesion policy”, partnership composed by Sardinia, Balearic Islands, Corsica and Crete, established in 2018 with the aim of participating in the European Week of Region and Cities (EWRC 2018).

Brussels - 23 January 2019
The meeting ‘Environmental actions for the EU sheep sector’ opens a collaborative process between representatives of the Directorate-Generals for Agriculture and Rural Development and for Climate Action, of the European Network for Rural Development and the partnerships of European projects working on environmental and climate issues related to livestock and dairy farming, with a specific focus on the sheep sector.
With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
LIFE 15 CCM/IT/000123